Tenant Policies

  • Policy Intent – To give each new Tenant a clear idea of what is expected of them as Tenants of Plum Tree Court

    The Society will have each Tenant sign the Residential Tenancy Agreement for Non Profit Housing.

    When the Tenant Agreement is sign the Tenant will provide the name, address and phone number(s) of the person they wish to be contacted in case of an emergency, serious illness or death.

    The SM will go over each section of the agreement with the Tenant so all is clear. A copy of their signed Tenancy Agreement, along with a copies of the Plum Tree Court policy sections 3.0 Maintenance and 4.0 Tenants, will be given to the Tenant at the time of signing. An updated contact sheet with names and contact numbers for the SM, maintenance person and emergency numbers and procedures will be included.

    A security deposit will be taken at the time of signing the agreement. If the Tenant has pet(s) at the time of signing the agreement a higher security deposit will be required. If a pet is acquired after signing the Tenancy Agreement the security deposit will be increased to cover potential pet damage.

    Tenants will be kept abreast of changes in policies and conditions. In return the Tenant is expected to treat staff and Board members with respect.

  • Policy Intent – To establish a fair method of resolving Tenant grievances and minimize the number of Landlord-Tenant disputes that go to arbitration.

    Tenants concern in regards to their unit or the Plum Tree Court facility can be presented to the SM in writing for consideration.

    The Society recognizes that right of all Tenants to arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act, but we will attempt to resolve Landlord-Tenant disputes in a non-adversarial way when possible.

    Section 63 of the Act encourages arbitrators to assist Landlords and Tenants to settle their disputes mutually before imposing an arbitrated settlement.

    A Tenant who is dissatisfied with the decision of the GM should attempt to resolve the issue in face-to-face discussion with the GM.

    Tenants may appeal disputed management decisions to the next level of the Society, the Board of Directors, for mediation.

    If attempts at personal negotiation and internal mediation fail, the parties may seek the help of an outside mediator to resolve their differences.

    Under this policy both parties reserve their right to seek arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act at any point.

  • Policy Intent – To ensure that the organization and its Tenants can respond quickly and appropriately to emergencies and to prevent them, if possible.

    Fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment will all comply with applicable codes and standards and will be inspected at least annually to ensure they are in working order. Tenants may not de-activate smoke alarms.

    Storage of flammable materials by either the Tenants or the Society must conform to municipal by-laws and fire codes. Nothing will be stored in a way that might invalidate our insurance policy.

    The Society will conspicuously post a telephone number for Tenants to call in case of a maintenance problem or other emergency. If attempts to reach someone at that number fails, Tenants may call for emergency repairs themselves and will be reimbursed for the cost of the repairs if the problem was a bona fide emergency. [See Residential Tenancy Act, Section 33]

    The Society will keep emergency supplies, including food and water, in the community room kitchen, for short-term use if a natural disaster cuts off services and utilities. Tenants are encouraged to keep their own emergency supplies.

  • Policy Intent – To ensure that the rights and responsibilities of both Landlord and Tenant are met when a Tenant is evicted.

    All evictions must follow the procedures prescribed by the Residential Tenancy Act and use the Notice to End a Residential Tenancy issued by the Residential Tenancy Office.

    [See Sections 46-47 and 52 of the Act]

    Evictions for reasons other than non-payment of rent require 30 days notice, but the Society may apply for an early eviction order under certain conditions. [See Section 56]

    All evictions, except those for non-payment of rent, must be approved by the Board of Directors.

    Before issuing an eviction notice, the Society may issue up to three increasingly severe warning letters for repeated violations of the Tenancy Agreement.

    Where a Tenant poses a threat or danger to the safety to other Tenants, management will apply for an Early Termination under Section 56 of the Residential Tenancy Act and, upon the order of an Arbitrator, make an emergency eviction with less than one month’s notice.

  • Policy Intent – To make Tenants visitors and guests welcome in our development while defining when a visitor becomes a permanent Tenant.

    No permission is required for guests to stay with Tenants, in their unit, on a short-term basis. Short-term basis is defined as 14 days in a calendar year.

    Tenants are responsible for any damage or disturbance caused by their guests.

  • Policy Intent – To clarify the circumstances under which Tenants will be allowed to do business from their homes.

    No home-based business will be allowed.

  • Policy Intent – To permit Tenant transfers between different units in the Society’s development under certain circumstances.

    Tenants may transfer units within the complex if they are over or under-housed at the discretion of the Board. Transfers between units of the same size are not allowed.

    The Society may make exceptions and consent to a transfer in other extraordinary circumstances.

  • Policy Intent – To establish a process that will help settle disputes and disagreements among Tenants amicably.

    Tenants who are disturbed by the behaviour of a neighbour are encouraged to first approach the neighbour politely and try to settle the problem themselves.

    Tenants may ask for the help of the SM if they have any reason to feel it would be unsafe to approach a neighbour on their own.

    Persistent difficulties with a single unit should be referred to the SM. Formal complaints must be in writing.

  • Policy Intent – To establish guidelines for the use the community room by Tenants as well as outside groups.

    The community room may be rented to outside groups for meetings and related social events. Use of the room for private parties is limited to Tenants and the Board.

    The amount of the room rental will be set, from time to time, by the Board of Directors. The SM will administer the renting of the community room as well as the rental of the guest bedroom. The rental costs will be reviewed on a yearly bases by the Board of Directors.

    The host Tenant will be responsible for any damages caused by their guest(s). The guest(s) may only stay for seven (7) consecutive days and the use of the room is restricted to a maximum of two (2) people. The key can be obtained from the SM and it is the responsibility of the Tenant to return the key to the SM or drop it in the mail slot, at the office, located on the wall beside the entrance door. The host Tenant must supply all bedding and towels.

    Meetings that are scheduled for the community room, during the guests stay, will still take place. The Tenant and guest will be informed of the times. Persons using the community room will not use the bedroom but the bathroom will be available for their use. A sign will be posted on the bedroom door to inform the community room users that the bedroom is off limits.

  • Policy Intent – To provide Tenants with rules for the use of their parking spaces and those for visitors.

    A Tenant may only park in his/her assigned spot. Unregistered or illegally parked vehicles will be towed at the Tenant’s expense.

    Parking stalls are not to be used for storage, repairs and maintenance or washing vehicles.

    Tenants who continue to park in visitor parking stalls after being given two (2) warnings will be towed.

    All vehicles parked on the property must be drivable and insured.

  • Policy Intent – To reduce conflict within the development by regulating noisy activities that may disturb others.

    Tenants are encouraged to give advance notice to neighbours of parties and other events that maybe noisy and to ask neighbours to let them know if the noise creates a problem.

    Tenants are asked to keep noise levels at parties down after 10:00pm on weekdays and 11:00pm on weekends.

    Stereo speakers and TVs should be off the floor and away from the walls of adjoining units.

    Neighbours disturbed by playing of musical instruments may restrict the playing to before the quiet hours specified above.

  • Policy Intent – To establish guidelines for Tenants calling SM to deal with emergencies or other extraordinary circumstances.

    Tenants should call the posted after-hours phone number in case of a maintenance emergency or any other occurrence that might affect the safety of Tenants or the security of the building. (Examples: fire, water escaping, broken garage door or broken windows)

    Tenants will be invoiced for all non-essential maintenance that is not part of the SM’s normal duties. (For example: lock changes, unplugging toilets)

  • Policy Intent – To foster respect and tolerance for the diverse economic and cultural backgrounds that are represented among our Tenants.

    The Society will provide an environment for Tenants and staff that is free of discrimination on the basis of race, cultural heritage, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual preference.

    The Society recognizes the right of every individual to be treated with dignity and will deliver its services in a way that is sensitive and responsive to cultural differences among Tenants.

  • Policy Intent – To recognized Tenants as important stakeholders in their own housing and to provide them with opportunities to help create a sense of community in our development.

    All Board meetings will be open to Tenants except for those parts declared in camera, and Tenants may make presentations to any Board meeting if time has been requested in advance.

    The Board may set up consultative committees of Tenants, Board Directors and/or staff to plan and organize activities that may be of interest to Tenants.

    The Society may reserve at least one seat on its Board for a Tenant. However the Tenant must become a Society member.

    The Society may provide monetary and staff support to Tenant initiatives as time and resources permit.

  • Policy Intent – To set out the rights and responsibilities of both the Landlord and the Tenant when the Tenant gives notice to end a tenancy.

    Tenants must give at least one month’s clear notice of their intention to move-out of their unit (i.e., on the last day of the month preceding the last month they intend to live in the unit)

    [See Residential Tenancy Act, Sections 45 and 52]

    The signed “moving-in” inspection report will be used to help determine if any repair charges will be billed to the out going Tenant. It is preferred that the Tenant be present at this “moving-out” inspection but the inspection will take place whether or not the Tenant is in attendance.

    A reasonable cleaning fee will be charged to the Tenant if the premises are not left in an acceptable condition.

    Tenant installed carpets are to be removed and the floor thoroughly cleansed of carpet tape or glue. Unit supplied carpets are to be cleaned and shampooed.

    Clean and wash cupboards inside and out and remove all shelf lining. Windows must be washed inside and out. Light globes and shades must be cleaned along with the drape tracks. All doors, trim and woodwork must be cleaned as well as heater bars. Bathrooms and kitchen must be cleaned along with the stove, inside and outside, and the range hood and fan. The refrigerator must be cleaned inside and out and defrosted. Do Not Shut Off or Unplug the refrigerator!

    The storage area must be completely cleaned out. Ground area around the unit must be left tidy. Check laundry room for any left items and leave the room tidy. Garbage bins will be provided. NO REFUSE OR DISCARDED ITEMS ARE TO BE LEFT INSIDE THE UNIT OR ON THE GROUNDS.

  • Policy Intent – To establish guidelines for the hours and use of (a) the community room and kitchen (b) the laundry (c) out door areas.

    (a) For the community room and kitchen

    The community room is primarily for use by Tenants for meetings and social events. Individual Tenants may book the room for private parties, but it may NOT be used for individual Tenants’ business activities.

    The room may be rented to outside groups (see policy 4.9)

    Parties and social events held in the community room shall observe the Quiet Hours Policy.

    Tenants who use the room for private parties will be responsible for clean up and any damage caused by their guests.

    The SM will have the key to the community room and admit people who have booked it. Meetings held at a regular time each month should be posted but needn’t be pre-booked.

    There will be no smoking in the community room.

    (b) For the laundry room

    Every Tenant will have a key to the laundry room and may use it on their scheduled day. The scheduling will be mutually decided among the Tenants. The room should be kept locked when not in use.

    The laundry room will be for Tenants’ use only between 8am and midnight everyday. Last load must be in washers by 10:30pm.

    Tenants are asked to co-operate by keeping the laundry room clean and tidy and reporting any broken machines to the SM. Clothes, detergents, baskets, etc. left in the room for more than 24 hours may be removed or disposed of.

    There will be no smoking in the laundry room.

    (c) For outdoor areas

    All outdoor common space must be kept clean and clear of debris.

    There must be a three (3) foot clearance around all foundation footings, of each unit, to allow maintenance staff, or workmen, access for repairs.

    Tenants must store all personal property in the provided storage shed.

    Adult-size bicycles are to be walked within the development.

    Skateboarding and rollerblading are not permitted on the grounds.

    There will be no excessive noise (loud parties, stereos, yelling, etc.) in outdoor areas. Organized activities should end by dark.

    Any one caught vandalizing property will be responsible for correcting or paying for the damage.

  • Policy Intent – To give clear guidelines as to size and type of pet allowed.

    A Tenant is allowed two pets. Each pet must be under twenty-five (25) pounds or twelve (12) kilos.

    No farm animals are allowed. This includes chickens and ducks.

    The Tenant is responsible for cleaning up after the pet and making sure the pet does not bother other Tenants.

    If a pet is acquired after the signing of the Tenancy Agreement there will be an increase in the Security Deposit to cover any damage a pet may cause.

  • Policy Intent – To give clear guidelines about the smoking of tobacco and cannabis in the units, community rooms and on the property.

    The Tenant acknowledges that Plum Tree Court is designated as a smoke-free residential development.

    There will be no smoking in the community rooms.

    No Tenant, guest or visitor shall smoke cigarettes, cigars, cannabis or any similar products whose use generates smoke within the buildings.

    Smoking on the property maybe permitted in certain areas at the Board’s discretion.

  • Policy Intent - To be clear that NO cannabis plants can be grown on Plum Tree Court property. And NO cannabis products can be produced in the rental units or anywhere on Plum Tree Court property.